About The Spooky Forest

By Codingeek45

How I got the Idea

So how it stated off, I was in block three. We were doing litracy and I had finnished my all of my work, so I asked my teacher if I could do some free writing. And my teacher said yes, so, I went into google to see what some good ideas for wirting is. I saw an image of an dark moody forest that looked a bit creapy. Then I got the idea of a spooky forest from looking at the image, I started to look for things that might be scary for a forest themed story. At the time I had just watched goose bumps, so I got more of an idea from there.

What I want to do from here

What I am wanting do do from this point is, I would like to make two or three other storys in the serries or make just this one. I am wanting to

What the story is about